Sailing Instructions
RULES: The race is under the sole jurisdiction of the RACE COMMITTEE (RC) of The WEST END YACHT CLUB (WEYC) and shall be conducted as follows:
a) The current Racing Rules of Sailing shall govern except as modified by these instructions.
b) The RC shall assign to each yacht a starting time, which CANNOT be disputed.
c) All competitors will have been deemed to accepted the club’s Waiver of Liability & Good Conduct Agreement
d) Any contact between boats will probably result in disqualification of all boats involved.
e) For safety reasons only; yachts may use their engines to the start line. Powering across the start line is NOT allowed and will be penalized. Thereafter Sailing rules apply.
SAFETY REQUIREMENTS: Yes, you must be safe at all times. Use VHF channel 06 for communications. The RC will endeavor to call boats to the line on this VHF channel.
For all boats, other than Racing Trimarans, this is a Pursuit Race.
A.Pursuit Race (All Boats other than Racing Trimarans):
Start times: this is a Pursuit race and times will be provided by the RC at the Skipper’s briefing at Omar’s on Saturday morning. The RC will endeavor to call each boat to the line on VHF 06
There will be only one start sequence. Starting signals shall be:
White flag and horn @ 10:25.
White flag down, blue flag up and horn @ 10:26.
Blue flag down and horn (no flag up) @ 10:29.
Red flag and horn @ 10:30
Each yacht shall cross the starting line at the signal (red flag) plus their time handicap.
B. Racing Trimarans.
Start times: There will be only one start sequence for all boats in this class. The starting signals shall be:
White flag and horn @ 10.55.
White flag down, blue flag up and horn @ 10.56.
Blue flag down and horn (no flag up) @ 10.59.
Red flag and horn @ 11.00
RECALLS: If you start before your time we will let you know by yelling, shouting and other displays of disgust as the RC sees fit. Yachts suffering a recall cannot re-round one end of the line - unless you have wheels on your keel. The RC will apply a time penalty at their discretion, which is not disputable.
SKIPPERS MEETING ( Pursuit Race ) : As close to 9:30 as late entries permit. You or your representative must be there to receive your Handicap adjusted start time.
POSTPONEMENTS: Stay tuned to the radio. We are ill equipped to handle a postponement, as this is the WEYC.
TIME LIMIT: 16:30 hours
RETIRING YACHTS: Just call the RC (Channel 06), if you don’t want to (or can’t) finish.
SAIL LIMITATIONS: If you put it on the entry form you can use it!
START in a Westerly direction between an Orange ball on the old Jolly Roger dock and the Pink house on Frenchmans Cay
1. Great Thatch - Leave to STARBOARD
2. Little Thatch - Leave to STARBOARD
3. Great Thatch - Leave to PORT
4. Sandy Cay - Leave to PORT
5. Great Thatch - Leave to PORT
FINISH - between the Orange ball on the old Jolly Roger dock and the Pink house on Frenchmans Cay
Please call the race committee on channel 06 as you approach the finish line and give your boat name.
Any shortened course during racing will be announced on channel 06.
Registration: Friday 2nd December at; Omar’s Fusion, Sopers Hole, 5:00pm to 7:00pm
Late Registration: If you are unable to make registration at Omars, please call your boat details through before Friday to 345 5104
Skippers Meeting: Saturday 3rd December at Omar’s Fusion 9:30am
First start: (Pursuit Race): 10.30am
Racing Trimarans start: 11.00am
Prize giving at Omar’s as soon as we can get together, hopefully around 6:00 pm.